Mumbai: Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai is always in the news for some reason or the other. Recently Aishwarya shared a post on Instagram. These pictures of Aishwarya Rai have rocked the internet. This photo is taken during the preparations for the ‘Cannes Film Festival’. The actress has shared a black and white photo. Even at the age of 50, there is no competition to the beauty of the actress.
In these pictures, the actress looks very beautiful while flaunting her makeup and hairstyle. Aishwarya Rai has shared four pictures on her official Instagram account. Along with these pictures, she has also shared heart and cute emojis in the caption. She has also tagged her brand L’Oreal. Aishwarya attended the ‘Cannes Film Festival’ for the L’Oreal brand.
In the first photo, the actress is seen giving beautiful poses. In the second photo, she is seen applying mascara. In the third photo, she is seen posing in the mirror while applying lipstick and in the fourth photo, she is posing while doing her hair.